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Intro to Python

Washington University, Summer 2014.

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Assignment 0

Complete before August 4

  1. Create an account on Creating an account is completely free, and you can have as many public repositories as you want. You can also contact them to get an education discount which will allow you to have up to 5 free private repos.
  2. Fork the class resource repo. This will allow you to have your own copy of all the material on your own machine. You will also submit homework assignments via Github.
  3. Clone your forked project to your machine.
  4. Try editing files, committing your changes, and pushing them to Github. It's highly unlikely that you will "break" anything, and if you get stuck there will still be a history of the files. This is a low-risk way to learn.

Assignment 1

Submissions due August 7

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Get the tests passing.
  3. Refactor (clean up) your code to make it as pleasant to read as possible. You will be graded on both correctness and clarity.

Assignment 2

Submissions due August 11

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Write your code, including unit tests.
  3. Once all your tests pass and you have clean code (short methods, intuitive variable names), submit your code in the hw2 folder on Github.

Assignment 3

Submissions due August 13

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Submit your code in the hw3 folder on Github.

Assignment 4

Submissions due August 15

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Hint: think about our discussion of recursion in class.
  3. Submit your code in the hw4 folder on Github.

Assignment 5

Submissions due August 19

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Submit your code in the hw5 folder on Github.

Assignment 6

Submissions due August 21

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Submit your code in the hw6 folder on Github.

Assignment 7

Submissions due August 23

  1. See the readme for the project description.
  2. Note: This assignment builds on HW5 and HW6.
  3. Submit your code in the hw7 folder on Github.